Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 5: Drink More Water Challenge

Water is the essence of life and the key to maintaining good health. Sixty percent of your body weight comes from water.  There is no clear cut answer to how much water you should drink each day. Just as no two individuals are alike, individual water requirements depend on many factors including health, activity levels and environment. However, we all agree that we should drink more water, so this week we are going to follow the recommendation to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day. 

Challenge Yourself: Use the chart below to determine how much water you should be drinking each day of the challenge. Find your weight in the first column, in the second column find how many ounces of water you should be drinking, and in the third column find how many glasses of water you should be drinking each day.  If you are already drinking your daily amount of water – congratulations!  However, if you are not already drinking your daily amount of water, challenge yourself this week to begin drinking more water. Work up to your daily amount by the end of the week.

Water Drinking Tips
  • You can drink your water in the form of tap water, spring water, sparkling water, coconut water, or herbal tea (coffee does not count towards your water requirement).
  • Vitamin water or flavored additives (such as Crystal light) are acceptable; but should not make up more than half of your water intake daily.  The healthiest beverage to quench your thirst always has been and always will be, plain old water.  
  • Spread your water out over the course of the day!  Do not try to drink all of your water at one time or right before bedtime.  Trust me, you will not be a happy person and you will not get a good night's sleep!
Food for Thought:
1. Were you able to do this week's challenge as outlined above?  
2. If yes, what were your successes with this week's challenge?
3. If no, why not?  What were you difficulties with this week's challenge?
4. Did you notice any changes in your weight as a result of drinking more water?
5. Are you incorporating any of the previous week's challenges into your lifestyle?  Being mindful when eating? Eating breakfast? Eating more whole-grains? Healthy snacking?

We want to hear from you, so please add your comments to the blog.  Thank you!

Water Chart
Body Weight
in Pounds (lbs)
Ounces of
Water Daily
Glasses of
Water Daily
115 58 7
120 60 8
125 63 8
130 65 8
135 68 8
140 70 9
145 73 9
150 75 9
155 78 10
160 80 10
165 83 10
170 85 11
175 88 11
180 90 11
185 93 12
190 95 12
195 98 12
200 100 13
205 103 13
210 105 13
215 108 13
220 110 14
225 113 14
230 115 14
235 118 15
240 120 15
245 123 15
250 125 16
255 128 16
260 130 16
265 133 17
270 135 17
275 138 17
280 140 18
285 143 18
290 145 18
295 148 18
300150 19

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